
2023 Virtual Coding and Coverage Seminar

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Attendee Policies

By registering for the ASTRO Coding and Coverage Seminar (the “Seminar”) you acknowledge your registration and participation are subject to these Attendee Policies and Registration Policies, which are incorporated herein by reference, as well as ASTRO’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

Special Assistance

ASTRO is committed to making the Seminar accessible to all individuals. If you have a disability as identified in the Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA"), please contact us either at the ASTRO Headquarters (703-502-1550) or by emailing the ASTRO Meetings Department, subject line "ADA Assistance Request."

Cancellation Statement

ASTRO reserves the right to cancel the Seminar because of unforeseen circumstances. Refunds will be provided at ASTRO's sole discretion. Cancellation by attendees is addressed in the Registration Policies.

View information on the Registration Cancellation Policy

Equal Opportunity Statement

ASTRO events and activities are available without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, disability, age, sexual orientation or other legally protected status as provided by law and in accordance with ASTRO’s respect for personal dignity.

Age Requirement for Attendees

Because of the detailed nature of the programs and forums, no one under the age of 18 will be admitted to any official ASTRO function. This includes, but is not limited to, all sessions.

Seminar Content

As an Attendee of the Seminar, you agree that no part of any information, opinions, content or materials provided in connection with this Seminar (“Seminar Materials”) may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, taping, scanning or through information storage and retrieval systems – nor may they be distributed, displayed or used in any derivative works, without the written permission of ASTRO.

Disclaimer for Seminar Materials

The codes, information, Seminar Materials and opinions provided or expressed as part of the Seminar are current as of the date of the Seminar. The codes, information, Seminar Materials and opinions provided or expressed as part of the Seminar are based on commonly used codes in radiation oncology. Nevertheless, these codes, information, Seminar Materials and opinions are not all-inclusive and are subject to change. Before relying on any of the codes, information, Seminar Materials or opinions provided or expressed in this Seminar, users should verify correct code usage with the appropriate health care provider, contractor and/or legal counsel.

The final decision for the coding of any procedure must be made by the physician, considering the regulations of insurance carriers and any local, state or federal laws that apply to the physician’s practice. The codes, information, Seminar Materials and opinions provided or expressed in the Seminar are provided on an “as-is” basis. Users of the codes, information, Seminar Materials and opinions provided or expressed as part of the Seminar assume all responsibility and risk for any and all use. ASTRO makes no warranty expressed or implied as to the accuracy, reliability, utility or completeness of the codes, information, Seminar Materials or opinions provided or expressed in the Seminar or provided by ASTRO directly in response to any user inquiry, nor as to their fitness for a particular purpose or the non-infringement of any intellectual property rights. Neither ASTRO nor any of its officers, directors, agents, employees, committee members or other representatives shall have any liability for any claim, whether founded or unfounded, of any kind whatsoever, including but not limited to any claim for costs and legal fees, arising from the use of the codes, information, Seminar Materials and opinions.

Access to Your Contact Information

Your registration information may be used by ASTRO in various ways to facilitate meeting operations and notify you of future ASTRO products and events. The Seminar, including registration and use of any personal information obtained, is governed by ASTRO's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

Recording (Audio, Video and Still Photography)

Copyright of all aspects of the Seminar is owned by ASTRO. ASTRO reserves the rights to all recordings or reproductions of presentations at this meeting. Filming, taping, recording or any form of capture or reproduction in any medium of any aspect of the event, including but not limited to the programs, presentations, session materials, discussions or attendees, at the Seminar or on the virtual event platform are strictly forbidden without written authorization from ASTRO.

Registration Privileges

  1. Registrations are for the specific individual registered and are not transferable.
  2. False certification of individuals as paid Seminar attendees, misuse of login information or any method of assisting unauthorized persons to gain access to any Seminar event is prohibited.
  3. Inappropriate or unauthorized conduct, or access to or use of content or information related to the Seminar, including but not limited to its sessions, faculty or attendees, are prohibited.

Virtual Event Standards of Behavior

ASTRO is committed to providing a professional, collegial, safe and respectful environment for all aspects of the Seminar. Attendees agree that they will conduct themselves professionally and comply with all applicable laws, regulations and rules, as well as these Attendee Policies. Attendees may not engage in any demonstrations or other behavior that ASTRO deems potentially disruptive to the conduct of the meeting or that infringe on the rights or safety of others.

All attendees must always adhere to the Seminar Standards of Behavior, which state: “The ASTRO Coding and Coverage Seminar is dedicated to providing a professional, collegial, safe and respectful environment for all participants, regardless of race, sex, religion or creed, national origin, disability, age, sexual orientation or other legally protected class as provided by law. ASTRO will not tolerate harassment, discrimination or any other unprofessional behavior. Inappropriate language and imagery are not acceptable in any of the Virtual Event spaces, social media or any aspect of the Virtual Event. Participants may not engage in any behavior that ASTRO deems to be potentially disruptive to the conduct of the meeting, or to potentially infringe on the rights or safety of others, or otherwise violate the principles above. Any participants violating these rules may be sanctioned, expelled from the Seminar or subject to other consequences at the discretion of ASTRO.”

Violations are determined by ASTRO in its sole discretion and may result in: expulsion of parties involved from the Seminar without obligation on the part of ASTRO to refund any fees, ineligibility for attendance at future ASTRO Meetings, and possible referral to appropriate authorities. Any person who is dismissed from the meeting may request that ASTRO review the matter, provided, however, that the individual understands that such dismissal will be effective immediately and will continue until and unless ASTRO issues a contrary decision. If you have any concerns about conduct at the Seminar, please seek ASTRO support by contacting the Meetings Department.

Authorization for Use of Name, Image, Voice, Words and Other Forms of Participation

An individual attending the Seminar understands that their image, likeness, name, voice and/or words may be captured in photographs or recordings taken during the meeting and grants ASTRO unrestricted permission to use, publish, display, reproduce, copy and distribute such image, likeness, name, voice and/or words, worldwide, for any purpose authorized by ASTRO, including but not limited to website use, training, publications, presentations, promotional marketing and advertising use, etc., in all forms of media now known or later developed. ASTRO has the right, but not the obligation, to identify you in connection with such media by name and/or affiliation.

Amendment to Attendee Policies

Any matters not specifically covered by these Attendee Policies shall be subject to ASTRO’s sole discretion. ASTRO may, at any time, amend or add further policies, and all amendments and/or additions made shall be binding on all attendees equally along with the foregoing Attendee Policies.

Copyright © 2025 American Society for Radiation Oncology