Past Presidents
For more than fifty years ASTRO has been guided by outstanding leaders. A special thank you to all who have served as President of ASTRO.
Board and Leadership
The property and affairs of the Society are managed by or under the direction of the Board of Directors. The Board is composed of 17 members: Chair of the Board, President, President-elect, Secretary/Treasurer, Immediate Past Chair of the Board, Chair and Vice-chair of the Clinical Affairs and Quality Council, Chair and Vice-chair of the Education Council, Chair and Vice-chair of the Government Relations Council, Chair and Vice-chair of the Health Policy Council, Chair and Vice-chair of the HEDI Council and Chair and Vice-chair of the Science Council.

Board of Directors
The ASTRO Board of Directors is composed of the Chair of the Board, President, President-elect, Secretary/Treasurer, Immediate Past Chair of the Board and twelve members representing six Councils.
ASTRO's Leadership Structure
ASTRO's Board of Directors is composed of the Executive Committee and Council Chairs and Vice-chairs. The Society's committees all report to the Board through the Council and Standing Committee structure.
ASTRO Code of Conduct
ASTRO's Code of Conduct seeks to implement the organization’s Corporate Integrity Policy and is a public affirmation that as individuals and as an organization, we are committed to doing the right thing in every aspect of our work.