
Patient Care and Research

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Patient Safety

Patient safety is of the utmost concern to radiation oncologists and safety considerations are woven into all aspects of clinical practice. The field of radiation oncology is complex and rapidly evolving, and the safe delivery of radiation therapy requires the coordinated efforts of the entire radiation oncology team.

Safety is No Accident

This comprehensive reference guide was updated in 2019 to reflect the many recent efforts undertaken by radiation oncology specialty societies to improve quality and safety.


RO-ILS is a free safety program that offers enrolled practices a ready-made portal to collect and analyze errors in a legally protected environment. Education based on the aggregate database facilitates quality improvement.

Target Safely

The Target Safely plan, launched in 2010, focuses ASTRO’s resources on improving patient safety and reducing the chances of medical errors during radiation therapy treatments.

Radiation Disaster Management

Radiation oncologists have a civic duty to become principal resources in emergency preparedness measures in the event of a nuclear/radiologic incident or disaster.
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