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House passes Prior Authorization reform

September 14, 2022

The U.S. House of Representatives passed ASTRO-backed Improving Seniors’ Timely Access to Care Act this week by voice vote on the House floor via suspension of the rules. This vote represents a turning point after years of physician and patient frustrations with Medicare Advantage prior authorization requirements. ASTRO commends the volunteer hours, and appreciates the House champions who heard our frustrations, acknowledged a problem, and worked with ASTRO and others across the house of medicine to craft a fix. This legislation requires the Secretary of HHS to promote electronic prior authorization, accelerate the process by which decisions are made by Medicare Advantage payers, issue lists of routinely approved services that must be approved in real-time, and increases transparency on the processes MA plans use to determine prior authorization requirements.

Forty-two U.S. Senators have cosponsored the Senate version (S.3018), and ASTRO continues to encourage additional Senate support to pass the bill and, hopefully, receive President Biden’s signature this year.  For more information read the official ASTRO statement here.

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