Gold Medal Award
The Gold Medal is ASTRO's highest honor bestowed on revered members who have made outstanding contributions to the field of radiation oncology. This includes research, clinical care, teaching and service. Recipients are drawn from any of the scientific disciplines represented by members of the Society.
Congratulations to the 2024 Gold Medal Award recipients:

The 2024 Gold Medal recipients were honored during the Awards Ceremony on October 1 at ASTRO’s 66th Annual Meeting in Washington, DC. View past Gold Medal recipients.
Criteria for Gold Medalist
The Gold Medal can be awarded to up to three outstanding contributors to the development of radiation oncology annually at the discretion of the Awards Committee.
- The Gold Medal will not be awarded posthumously except in the case that a nominee dies after being selected.
- Recipients may be drawn from any of the scientific disciplines represented in the Society.
- ASTRO membership is a requirement of the award.
A letter of nomination from an Active Member with the nominee’s curriculum vitae and letters of support from two additional Active Members must be submitted to the ASTRO Awards Committee. Letters of nomination and support must include detailed information that will document the individual’s outstanding contribution to the advancement of radiation oncology. The deadline for nominating a candidate for the 2025 Gold Medal is April 11, 2025.
Send all letters of nomination to:
ASTRO Awards Committee
Attn: Anna Arnone
251 18th Street South
Suite 800
Arlington, VA 22202
Email Gold Medal.
Procedure for Selecting Gold Medalist
- The ASTRO chair, serving as the awards committee chair, will circulate the CVs and letters of nomination to the committee members for review. The selection shall be made in a conference call of the committee.
- The committee chair may recommend one or more candidates to the committee following the nominating procedure, but the chair does not vote except in the event of a tie.
- The awards committee chair will notify the successful candidates.
- Unsuccessful candidates may be considered for the consecutive year without being formally re-nominated.