Product Showcase Form

Participants in the Product Showcase will have their product and company information included in the printed Exhibitor Directory, a preshow email promoting the Product Showcase, the digital Product Showcase directory in the Annual Meeting Portal and MyASTROApp — the official event app — and in a special edition of ASTROnews that is distributed on site to attendees.

Please use the following form to provide your files for the Product Showcase. All files indicated as "required" must be submitted by June 30, 2023, for inclusion in the printed Exhibitor Directory. Additional digital files for the Conference Planner and MyASTROApp should be provided by August 31, 2023.

If you have any questions regarding the Product Showcase or the fields below, please contact Susan Del Castillo.

Product Information

* Indicates required field.
Please note: The total size of all submitted material should be less than 50MB.


Product descriptions should be 150 characters max, including spaces.

Extended product descriptions should be 1,000 characters max, including spaces.

*Product Photo
Please provide a 600 pixels wide X 400 pixels tall image for your photo. File may be JPG or PNG.

Product Marketing Brochure
Please provide one PDF for your product marketing brochure.

Company Information

* Indicates required field.
Please note: The total size of all submitted material should be less than 50MB.

*Company Logo
Please provide a 1800 pixels wide X 400 pixels tall image for your company logo. File may be JPG or PNG.

Marketing Brochures
Please provide two PDFs for your company marketing brochures.

Company Marketing Brochure #1

Company Marketing Brochure #2

Please note: The total size of all submitted material should be less than 50MB.

American Society for Radiation Oncology
251 18th Street South, 8th Floor
Arlington, VA 22202
Telephone: 703-502-1550


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