Abstracts will be scored by anonymized peer review based on the following criteria:
- Does the abstract address an important and novel question?
- Does the study design permit the question to be answered?
- Are the endpoints of the study clearly defined?
- Is there an appropriate use of statistics?
- Are the methods described in sufficient detail?
- Are the conclusions supported by the data?
Specific questions for prospective clinical trials:
- What were the scientific hypothesis and primary endpoint?
- What were the eligibility criteria and study patient characteristics?
- What statistical model and assumptions were used?
- What was the toxicity assessment?
- What were the limitations?
- Was there a rationale, either clinical or laboratory, underlying the study design?
- Are the findings either promising enough to pursue or negative enough that presentation would prevent other investigators from wasting efforts?
Specific questions for retrospective observational studies:
- What are the scientific hypothesis and outcomes reported?
- What is the data source and how was follow-up attained?
- Is the cohort well described and reasonably homogeneous?
- Have attempts been made to account for biases inherent in retrospective reviews?
- What statistical methods were used?
- Are the conclusions appropriate to the study design?
ASTRO is an accredited provider of continuing medical education and adheres to the policies and standards set forth by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME). As such, abstract authors are required to disclose relationships with commercial interests. A commercial interest is any entity producing, marketing, re-selling, or distributing health care goods or services consumed by, or used on, patients. The financial relationships of spouse/partners are considered relevant financial relationships of the presenter. (Employment of spouse/partner is not considered employment by the presenter; however, it will be considered a relevant financial relationship.)
To ensure its compliance, ASTRO expects that the content and related materials will promote improvements or quality in health care and not a specific proprietary business interest or commercial bias.
We employ several strategies to ensure absence of bias:
- Presenters are required to provide disclosure of relationships with ineligible companies.
- Presenters are required to provide a balanced view of therapeutic options.
- All abstracts undergo a rigorous peer review process.
- Potential conflicts are managed by committee review, session audits, and in some cases, advance slide review.
Abstracts should be submitted in the most appropriate category. A list of submission categories is listed below and in the online submission site. Planning committees have the right to re-categorize any abstract as deemed appropriate. If your abstract is a trial in progress, please indicate this on the abstract submission site.
2023 Abstract Topic Categories:
- Advocacy/Survivorship
- Diagnosis/Staging/Imaging
- Immunotherapy
- Mesothelioma, Thymic Malignancies, Carcinoid Tumors and Other Thoracic Malignancies
- Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: Early-stage
- Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: Locally Advanced
- Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: Metastatic
- Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: Oligometastatic
- Novel Therapeutics/Targeted Agents
- Outcomes/Health Services Research
- Population Science/Environmental Studies
- Prevention/Screening
- Small Cell Lung Cancer
- Supportive Care/Palliation/Nursing
- Translational Research
- Treatment Toxicity
- Treatment Toxicity: Financial Toxicity
- Tumor Genomics/Precision Medicine
- Future Directions: Artificial Intelligence
- Future Directions: Liquid Biopsy
- Future Directions: MRI Technology
Trials in Progress provide an opportunity for members of the research community to present ongoing trials, foster collaboration and discuss correlatives and novel trial designs. Trials in Progress will be considered for digital poster only.
- All phases of clinical research (phases I to III, supportive care, nonpharmacologic interventions) may be considered for inclusion as a Trials in Progress submission.
- Trials submitted to this session are ongoing and have not reached pre-specified endpoints for analysis. As such, inclusion of results would be improper and is strictly forbidden.
- Enrollment must have already begun or have been completed with no data analysis available by the submission deadline (there are no exceptions to this criterion). It is acceptable if the trial has not enrolled its first patient yet.
- Clinical trial registry number is required.
- Abstracts must be properly formatted and organized into four sections, identified by the following bolded headers: Purpose/Objectives, Materials/Methods, Results and Conclusion.
- When applicable, abstracts should include a scientific hypothesis in the Purpose/Objectives section and implications for research, policy or practice in the Conclusions section.
- Presentations must give a balanced view of therapeutic options. Brand names of pharmaceuticals and trade names of medical devices should not be used in the title or body of the abstract. Use of generic names will contribute to impartiality. Planning committees have the right to replace proprietary names with generic names.
- Institution names should not be included in the title or body of the abstract in order to keep the review process blind, fair and objective. Alternative language includes “at one institution,” “a multi-institution study,” etc. This does not apply to cooperative research group names.
- Abstracts cannot contain illustrations, images or graphs. For abstracts that are accepted, presenters may include these items in their on-site presentations.
- An abstract may contain one small table.
- The title of the abstract should not contain results.
- The maximum character limit, including the abstract title and body, is 2,600. Spaces are not counted.
- A maximum of 20 author names may be listed on each abstract; there are no exceptions. Authorship credit should only be given if all three of the following criteria are met:
Each author must have made substantial contributions to:
- Conception and design, or analysis and interpretation of data, and
- Drafting the abstract or revising it critically for important intellectual content, and
- Final approval of the version to be submitted/published.
Two awards will be granted to recognize outstanding abstracts submitted by early career authors. More information about the award and the award application will be available on the actual abstract submission site. Complimentary registration to the symposium is included in the award.
All abstracts to be presented at the 2023 Multidisciplinary Thoracic Cancers Symposium are embargoed until 8:00 a.m. Central time, Thursday, November 30, 2023.
The embargo policy applies to all abstracts regardless of whether information is obtained from another source.
Embargo violations by media professionals may result in suspension of credentials at the 2023 Multidisciplinary Thoracic Cancers Symposium as well as future meetings and may also impact the ability to receive advance media materials for future meetings. Embargo violations by abstract authors and/or sponsors may result in removal of the abstract from the scientific program. Abstract authors are responsible for notifying financial and other sponsors about this embargo policy. Questions about the embargo policy may be directed to the media relations team.
All abstracts accepted for presentation at the 2023 Multidisciplinary Thoracic Cancers Symposium may be highlighted in the symposium Press Program. All submitters agree to cooperate in the publicity of their study. For questions regarding the press policy, please contact ASTRO’s media relations team.
Authors of abstracts accepted as digital posters will be required to upload their poster in advance of the meeting. All formatting requirements are pre-set, so it's easy to cut and paste your information into the template. With this new format, presenters may also include audio, video and other graphics.
There will be a $55 fee per poster for digital upload, payable at the time of upload. The fee has been set at a price that is substantially lower than traditional paper printing, and we are confident that this new format will provide greater visibility of every poster than the previous paper format. Attendees will be able to access digital posters in an online virtual library both on-site and after the conclusion of the symposium. Digital posters must be uploaded by November 20, 2023, to be included in the program.
Please note that there will not be any late-breaking abstracts accepted for the 2023 Multidisciplinary Thoracic Cancers Symposium.