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Advocacy Day reg/housing open, Your artwork could be featured at ASTRO 2024

February 21, 2024

Registration is open for Advocacy Day 2024, May 20-21 in Washington, DC
Join your colleagues at Advocacy Day 2024 for two days of education on the policy issues affecting radiation oncology, meetings with members of Congress and their staff, and the chance to advocate for solutions for you and your patients. Register now!
ASTRO continues the fight for a fix to MPFS cuts
ASTRO and other physician-representing organizations have been tirelessly lobbying Congress to mitigate the reimbursement cuts in the FY24 MPFS that went into effect January 1. Read more about our efforts on this and other legislative priorities for 2024.
Stop inappropriate use of IGRT with SRT for skin cancer
IGRT is being inappropriately used in combination with Superficial Radiation Therapy (SRT) for skin cancer treatment. To elevate this issue with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, ASTRO has issued a member sign-on letter that supports coding edits to stop this practice. Join over 125 of your colleagues and sign today!
Today! Chartrounds webinar – Lifting All Boats: ROCR and Site-neutral Payments
Curious how site-neutral payment proposals could impact your clinic? ASTRO is partnering with Chartrounds to discuss these plans and how they fit with the Radiation Oncology Case Rate (ROCR) program during a webinar TODAY at 4:00 p.m. Eastern time. The webinar will include an overview of ROCR, as well as a Q&A with Constantine Mantz, MD, FASTRO, former ASTRO Health Policy Chair, Dave Adler, ASTRO Vice President of Advocacy, and Anne Hubbard, ASTRO Director of Health Policy. Register for the program either through your Chartrounds membership or join via Zoom.
Calling all Head and Neck specialists!
There’s still time to join us in person in Phoenix or virtually for the 2024 Multidisciplinary Head and Neck Cancers Symposium. View the schedule and learn about the exhibitors and our IET and ISS offerings. The abstract embargo lifts Thursday, February 29, at 8:00 a.m. Mountain time — then you can find the full text of the abstracts on the Conference Planner, meeting website and virtual poster library. Posters will be accessible at digital poster viewing stations and online. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn and collaborate with your peers. Register now!
New RO-ILS Case Study: Pictures worth a thousand words
RO-ILS Case Study 18 discusses the contributing factors that resulted in a discrepancy between patient setup during simulation and treatment. Review the latest RO-ILS education and discuss the safety check questions regarding set-up photographs, documentation and backup processes at a future team meeting. Don’t forget to check out previous RO-ILS education, including the latest Themed Report on Dosimetrically Impactful Events.
Reminder! Nominating Committee welcomes candidate suggestions for 2024 elections
ASTRO’s Nominating Committee is accepting candidate suggestions for the following positions:
  • President-elect
  • Vice-chair of the Clinical Affairs and Quality Council
  • Vice-chair of the Education Council
  • Vice-chair of the Government Relations Council
  • Vice-chair of the HEDI Council
And three positions on the Nominating Committee are available for a three-year term: Academic Physician, Community Practice Physician and Physicist. View the Criteria for Elected Positions. Nominations can be emailed to the ASTRO Nominating Committee and must be received by 5:00 p.m. Eastern time, Friday, March 1.
Call for submissions: Your artwork could be featured at ASTRO 2024!
New this year, the ASTRO 2024 Survivor Circle booth will feature one or more life-size line drawings that attendees will bring to life through collaborative coloring! We are inviting submissions of black and white drawings that may relate to themes such as wellness, renewal, growth, and care for others and self. The artwork will be considered by the Red Journal’s Art Committee and featured at the meeting in Washington, DC. Please direct inquiries about this project and submissions to the Red Journal by June 1.
Additional support secured for patient education materials
We’re excited to have EMD Serono and Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation joining longtime supporters Merck & Co., Inc. and Novocure, Inc. as part of ASTRO’s Partners in Patient Education (PIPE) supporters. The PIPE program provides industry support for the development of our patient resources, including videos and brochures. These resources are available to all ASTRO members for free or at cost when purchasing brochures in packs of 50. Be sure to direct your patients to RTAnswers.org and stock your offices with the more than 17 available brochures and many videos, available in both English and Spanish, to help your patients better understand their treatment options.
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