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Ethics-Centered Guidelines for Social Media Use by Oncology Professionals

Tuesday, December 12, 2023 | 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. ET

Over the past two decades, internet access to health information has revolutionized the dynamics of the patient-doctor relationship. Increasingly, oncology clinicians are employing social media as a means to reach colleagues, patients and laypeople beyond the confines of their own clinical practice.

How can this novel form of engagement potentially enhance or detract from your practice of oncology care?

We will discuss a recent editorial in the Journal of Clinical Oncology: Oncology Practice by Shukla et al., that reflects on the importance of ethics-centered guidelines for social media use by oncology professionals.

Registration is FREE and the call information will be emailed approximately one week before the session. Our goal is to provide a platform to discuss this highly relevant and timely issue with members of the greater ASTRO community. We will introduce the bioethical tenets of beneficence, nonmaleficence, respect for patient autonomy, and justice to frame considerations for what ethical use of social media means in our community.

Future gatherings will also explore the intersection of ethics and radiation oncology. We invite you to share your ideas on future topics relevant to your practice.

Are you an ASTRO member? (Required)

Information on Interests in Ethics

Topic Ideas for Future Discussion Sessions

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